Gregg Davidson
120 Carrier Hall, University, MS 38677
Google Scholar Profile
ResearchGate profile
University of Mississippi – Chair, 2013 to 2023
University of Mississippi – Professor, 2009 to present
University of Mississippi – Associate Professor, 2002–2009
University of Mississippi – Assistant Professor, 1996–2002
University of Arizona, Tucson – Ph.D. Hydrology, 1995
University of Arizona, Tucson – M.S. Hydrology, 1989
Wheaton College, Illinois – B.S. Geology, 1985
Research interests:
- Hydrogeology
- Surface water / groundwater interaction
- Groundwater recharge in floodplains
- Isotope geochemistry
- Wetland hydrology
- Seepage beneath levees
- Ecohydrology
Adsorption of atmospheric CO2 by soils and volcanic substrates
A portion of the CO2 added to the atmosphere each year is removed by several processes. A portion is simply adsorbed to mineral surfaces.
Wetland Hydro-ecology
Some studies report that cypress trees growing in water grow more when it rains. Long term studies at Sky Lake are tracking water levels, sap flow, radial growth, and soil redox conditions to understand the influence of water depth and timing of flooding.
Geochemistry and flow path of water under levees during flood events
When water transports sediment from under a levee, sand boils are formed at the surface, and the levee is at risk of failure. Geochemical tools are being applied, including tritium, isotopes of oxygen, hydrogen, iron, and strontium, to understand the chemical evolution of water beneath the levees, to identify deep vs shallow flow pathways, and to identify rapid means of identifying regions of greater risk of failure.